Subject Matter

  • Landscape Watercolor Paint-Along

    Sarah Hansen | Working from photo reference, Sarah will share techniques for creating fast and loose watercolor landscapes. Paint in watercolor, gouache or acrylic

  • Late Summer Blooms | Sketching Fresh Flowers

    Shari Blaukopf | Step-by-step sketching of a variety of late summer blooms, starting small and working toward a more complex bouquet. Paint colours, how to create vibrant hues by letting pigments mix right on the paper, drawing and paint, the challenges of painting light flowers against a darker background: how to use stems and leaves to connect blooms, and how to simplify the complex shapes inside a glass vase.

  • The Red Flower Still Life Paint-Along

    Tom Balderas | The Red Flower Still Life Paint-Along Discover a fresh approach to seeing color while you follow along with Tom and see how he focuses on color relationships. A photo of Tom’s still life set-up will be available ahead of time. Balderas will paint in oils, but all mediums are welcome.

  • Gouache Paint-Along

    Bernard Dellario | Bernie will paint in gouache from photo reference, sharing how he uses this versatile medium. He will be doing 2- 8×10 paintings. Not a gouache painter? No worries! Paint along in the medium of your choice.



  • Artistic Watercolor Sketching: Dare to Express Your Ideas

    Felix Scheinberger | Discover fun and original exercises to express your ideas without restraint. Learn to sketch with watercolor and ink using Felix’s original methods, build your drawing confidence, and express your ideas freely.

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  • Thumbnail Sketches: The Foundation to Your Next Great

    Jane Barton | Painting Thumbnail sketches- the one thing that can take your paintings to another level! With landscape, still life and portrait demos, Jane will show how important this step is in your painting practice. For all mediums, all levels.

  • Portrait Sketchbooking: Explore the Human Face

    In this course, Gabriela takes you through the basics of drawing portraits down to the finer details. Learn about proportion, structure, and how to draw facial features by drawing three different types of portraits. Express your artistic vision by capturing the essence of each unique face you draw.

  • Sketchbook Exercises for Artistic Growth

    In this online course, Sarah teaches you different exercises for developing the most important artistic skills, overcoming creative blocks, and unlocking your imagination. Learn how to fill a sketchbook with experimental drawings using different materials and reference images, designed to help you improve as a creative. Learn, play, and explore through sketchbooking.Description goes here

  • Sketchbook Creation: Find Your Own Language

    Artist and illustrator, Santiago Guevara, has already filled several with sketches and drawings, and in this course, he will help you to find your own visual language. With Santiago, you will learn all about the tools, materials, strategies, and techniques to develop a new and original illustration project.

Building a Painting | Thumbnail to Highlights

  • Thumbnail Sketches: The Foundation to Your Next Great

    Jane Barton | Painting Thumbnail sketches- the one thing that can take your paintings to another level! With landscape, still life and portrait demos, Jane will show how important this step is in your painting practice. For all mediums, all levels.

  • Building a Painting, Foundation to Finishing Touches

    Suzie Baker | Suzie will demonstrate how she progresses through a painting from concept to the initial tone, block-in, and final details. She will be showing her process by painting one of her popular outdoor still-life motifs.
